Thursday, March 31, 2005

How To Choose a Lender

Picking a Lender for your Home Mortgage is one of the ost important steps. Since it's the first step in what will proably be a somewhat stressful process I'm post a simple, yet informitive guide to help you through it. How to Choose a Real Estate Lender

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Loans- What Are The Different Types of Loans, and What Do They Mean

There are so many different types of Loans, I bet a Loan Officer couldn't name them all. Most of them are pretty familiar, but some aren't and even the ones that are could use a little more defining. I found a really nice break-down of the different types. Read it here: Loan Facts and Review

Monday, March 28, 2005

What's The Big Deal With Student Loan Consolidation?

The world of the Student Loan has gotten very busy lately. The big thing now is Student Loan Consolidation. There are two main types of Student Loan Consolidation programs, Private and Federal. There are many similarities between to two, but there are also some very important differences. This is all explained here: Private versus Federal Consolidation Loans – What’s the Difference? at .