Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Debt And Bill Consolidation And Its Two Faces

Debt or bill consolidation is one of the latest methods available by companies to take control of your debts. Debt or bill consolidation is also known nowadays as either debt settlement or debt negotiation. The process behind debt or bill consolidation is simple: you grab a calculator and get the total amount of all your bills put together then present this to a specialist of debt or bill consolidation and from there, the burden is theirs alone.

Debt or bill consolidation became popular during the late nineties over the Internet as companies aggressively advertised about the solution to everyone’s financial worries. Apparently not satisfied with their success in the cyber world, debt or bill consolidation companies then jumped to broader advertisements like TV. Unfortunately, being too popular, as always brought about its own downfall and now a number of debt or bill consolidation companies have been the target of lawsuits.

Further research will show you though that lawsuits and being singled out by anti- debt or bill consolidation groups are not enough to stop the companies from proceeding with their work. Take the case of AmeriDebt, for example. When it was ordered to be closed down, it merged into other companies. But of course, if you ask the people behind them, they won’t admit a thing.

When considering debt or bill consolidation, make sure that you truly have a trustworthy company in mind. There are a lot of cases of fraud and that’s something nobody can afford right now. Since you’re required to give out classified information like your SSS number, bank account balance and so on to debt or bill consolidation companies, you have to ascertain that this kind of information wouldn’t be landing on the wrong pair of hands.

There are good things and bad things about debt or bill consolidation. If you go ahead and use debt or bill consolidation to solve your current problems, the debt or bill consolidation companies will assure you that starting on day one, you will never be bothered again by embarrassingly frequent calls from your creditors and an outstanding number of bills that make your mailbox look like an address for Prince William’s fans club. So thanks to debt or bill consolidation, you’re now free to concentrate more of your time and not to mention money --- since debt or bill consolidation does promise to help you save more while still paying your bills --- on other and more fruitful ventures.

But there are bad things, too. The story of Adam and Eve taught us that not everything we hear and see is true. You have to look a little deeper. And according to some concerned citizens out there, debt or bill consolidation will only lead you to further people. They say that if you’re drowning in financial debt, what you need to do is get help from counseling and enroll yourself under a financial fitness program. Learn self control so you can stop swiping that card away every time you pass by a pair of Nikes you really like or a Gucci dress that’s absolutely to die for. Do anything but rely on debt or bill consolidation.

So in the end, looking at the pros and cons of debt or bill consolidation, it’s probably better if you use debt or bill consolidation as a last resort. And when you do use it, make sure that it’s something reliable and trustworthy. Check out Consumer Credit Counseling Services (CCCS) for more information. It’s reputedly one of the best there is.