Monday, April 30, 2007

Different options when refinancing

It’s not uncommon these days for home owners to have more than one mortgage on their property. When they took out their second mortgage it may of seemed like a great idea, however these extra payments each month can be very difficult to handle.

Many people will look to refinance their loan so that they can combine their first and second mortgages into one easy to handle package. By doing this, many people think that it’s possible to get the great interest rate that they get on their first mortgage.

However it may be better for most people if they just refinance their second mortgage, this may be the best option available.

So why should you refinance a home loan?

Well it can be very sensible to refinance your home loan as it should help you to reduce the amount you will have to repay each month. There are a number of different things that you can do by refinancing a loan.

If you enjoy a low interest rate on your first mortgage then you shouldn’t necessarily look at combining both mortgages as it could put the cost of the first mortgage up. It’s better to just look at refinancing the second mortgage.

Goals that you can have for refinancing your loan you can:

Lowering the interest rate
Lowering the length of the loan
Reducing the total amount of money you will pay for the loan.

Normally, the cost of refinancing any home equity loan is minimal, if not zero. However if you remortgage your first mortgage it can cost between 2 and 4%, where as second mortgages normally cost very little at all.

So how can you find the right loan for you?

Well that completely depends, notice I’ve said the right loan, not the cheapest. Every loan is different, cheapest isn’t necessarily the best! Normally the best place to start looking for a loan is the company that already has your mortgage.

It is often the easiest route to refinance with your existing company, in many cases it’s possible for the loan company to refinance your loan without any costs or paperwork.

I’m not suggesting that you don’t look elsewhere for your loan of course, it’s vital that you shop around for a loan. Even if you plan to stay with your existing lender you should look around so that you can be armed with figures when negotiating.

Negotiating on home finance is defiantly possible, you will find that most packages are unique for the person, and so many companies will happily match another lenders offer.

Shopping around for a loan is possible, and you should be able to find yourself a great deal.

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