Sunday, March 11, 2007

Add Value to Your New Home Purchase

Hardwood Flooring: Little Known Aspects

Securing hardwood flooring for homes can be a great bonus. This ensures a fabulous looking floor that is durable and easy to maintain. The hardwood floors have the property of matching with the homes of the various styles and periods. Making use of hardwood flooring especially in the living rooms, dens, hallways and stairs can enhance the value of just any home.

Little known hardwood facts

There are some aspects of hardwood flooring which are little known. Learning about these will enable you to proceed with selecting hardwood flooring in a more competent manner. Some such facts are:

· Red oak is not the only choice of hardwood flooring material. You could be trying out hickory, cherry, walnut, white oak, maple or similar other hardwood varieties with placing equal reliability and trust. It is also true that the hardwood of imported species need not be a necessity. Native hardwoods can be equally good at the task of providing superior flooring material.

· Prefinished flooring is certainly more convenient and today with factory finished flooring that can be installed easily a whole lot of mess can be avoided. The prefinished flooring also makes it possible for each plank to be allowed to be moved independently with humidity changes at home. So, the seasonal separations that appear as cracks on the floor are less noticeable with prefinished hardwood floors.

· The natural colors of some hardwoods (like hickory, cherry or walnut) are beautiful enough to obviate the need to add any other color. So, these hardwoods can suitably be considered for the flooring purpose.

· The laminate hardwood flooring that is fast becoming popular nowadays may not possess all qualities of the real hardwood flooring. Thus even though it may be a little expensive it is always better to stick to the real thing rather than the imitations.

Considering lesser known hardwood pros and cons before purchasing

It may be noted that hardwoods may not always be the best material for all floors. They may be pretty noisy and get damaged by wetting. So, they are not to be used in a place like a bathroom that often remains wet. If there are pets in the room then too the hardwood floors may get affected- scratched by pet claws and dented. However, despite some such disadvantages of using the hardwood flooring it is true that on the whole hardwood floors prove to be a great boon and the hardwood stands as a popular and useful flooring material. So, what you need to do is get started and judiciously venture into procuring the right hardwood flooring.

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cleaning prefinished hardwood floors