Thursday, March 15, 2007

Debt Consolidation - Is Credit Card Debt Consolidation A Good Idea?

This technique for debt consolidation involves getting hold of a credit card where they charge a low interest rate instead of annual fees. After you have submitted your application the credit card company will run a check on your credit history. As you do this you will have the opportunity of getting all 3 of your credit card reports at no cost to you.

Hunting for credit cards online gives you the options of choosing from many types of cards that are either secured or unsecured. You also have cards that are either suitable for borrowers that are considered high risk and those borrowers that are in the low risk category. If you choose these cards, you will find that they can really help you consolidate your debt if you only use them for that purpose. By paying your debt in this way you will have paid your debt but you will now have it on your credit card as there is where you have now transferred it. The advantage of this is that now you will have another month to repay the debt, enabling you to find enough time to find other plans or resources that will more effectively service your debt.

An even better way to look at it is that using this method you can, if you are really struggling to pay the debt off, resort to only having to pay the minimum owed on the card every month. But you should only do this with low interest bearing cards and if no other resources are open to you.

Some people also apply to receive a credit card and then use it to consolidate their debt and they then further apply for another credit card that has lower interest to pay that first card off. This is not such a great method for debt consolidation but can be effective when there is no other way you can follow. It might be a good idea to review information online dealing with debt consolidation, debt settlement and debt negotiation to see what methods are available and see which one are the best for your circumstances.

In summary credit cards can be a good idea for debt consolidation in the short run and if the debt is not so high in respect with your current circumstances. However if you do not manage your credit cards properly using this method, they can further affect your financial bad habits and make your debt problem even worse. On that note I suggest you therefore take care if this is the route you are thinking of using as your debt consolidation strategy.

Get Out Of Credit Card Debt

Many people get bogged down in credit card debt due to high interest rates and late fee charges. Make sure you don’t get into this pattern, because if you do you’ll be on your way to bankruptcy. Debt management is a great solution for your problems.

Try to make payments each week instead of each month to keep your debt from spiraling out of control. You will also lower your interest rate payments when you do this because companies usually charge this by the hour, not the month. You can also feel like you are putting a bigger dent in your debt when you do it by the week instead of the month.

Check out the Consumer Counseling Center of America (CCCA) if you need some help in managing your debit. This is a non-profit organization that can provide you with a credit counselor that can help you manage your debt. They have a large variety of services to choose from such as keeping your payments current, helping with overdue accounts, and stopping creditors from harassing you. They can also help negotiate with creditors and help you form a plan of action in terms of how you will deal with your debt. They are a great resource for anyone dealing with a credit card debt issue.

You can only truly get out of debt when you learn how not to get into debt in the first place. You need to stop and think about your purchases. You will also need a monthly budget that you can stick to. You should cancel all but one credit card and use it only for family emergencies. This card should have a low interest rate and should really be kept for the sole purpose of emergency cash.

If you are in a lot of debt you can consider transferring the balances of all your credit cards to one low interest credit card. Sometimes cards will offer a 0% interest balance for six months to a year, which should help you with your debt issues.

Make sure if you use a debt consolidation agency that you find out exactly what their fees are and polices before you get ripped off. There are many great companies out there, but there are also companies that may take advantage of you when you are in need of real help. Do your research before you sign anything.

Make sure you take personal responsibility for your debt and find a way to get out of debt and stop getting into debt. You need to decide how you want to spend your money and stick to it. You can live a happier and fuller life without debt!

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