Thursday, May 31, 2007

Debt Consolidation - Benefits And Options

Debt consolidation, for many people, can bring a huge bring a massive sense of relief. By consolidating debt, you can eliminate or reduce collectors' calls and letters, as well as just being able to feel more secure.Being responsible for one loan repayment rather than having many bills to pay can be easier to manage and reduce the risk of missing payments. With a debt consolidation loan, by clearing your existing liabilities with your creditors, it is even possible that you can improve your credit score.

Consolidation Loan Offers Flexibility

A consolidation loan also offers you some flexibility in how you will handle the debt. If the loan is taken out at the right time, you could potentially benefit from having one month without a debt repayment. Effectively, you get the loan one month and use it straight away to pay off all of your creditors. As you may not have to start paying the loan until the following month, you could end up with a repayment holiday which will give you some time to build up a cushion in your bank account.

Debt Management Plans

If you have not sourced a consolidation loan and opted instead to go with a credit counselling service and had them form a debt management plan with you, this can help you to keep your finances more under control, as well as providing you with just the one amount to repay.

Individual Voluntary Arrangement

Often the monthly sum that you pay is lower than the sum of the bills you paid previously, because the credit counselling service has managed to have your charges reduced in some way. With certain schemes such as Individual Voluntary Arrangements creditors agree to stop charging interest while you are in the plan.

A debt management program may actually negatively affect your credit rating temporarily, but once all of your debts have been paid off, your credit score should go up.

You may find that subscribing to a formal debt management plan is advantageous for you as it will help you to develop better spending habits as you will not be able to use credit whilst the plan is in force. Credit counselling services usually should take the time to learn about you and your needs, so that they can help you form a good plan for getting out of debt.

Another advantage to dealing through a credit counselling service is that someone else negotiates with your creditors for you. Many people find the idea of calling their creditors intimidating, and it can be very daunting.

The main advantage to either form of debt consolidation, borrowing or using a service, is peace of mind. Debt can be very stressful, but knowing you have a plan and are following it can make your finances much easier to face and handle.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Managing Your Money And Your Student Loans

If you have a number of outstanding student loans, you may want to consider student loan debt consolidation. You will eliminate having many bills to pay on your student loans, and the total monthly payments can be significantly reduced as compared to the normal ten year payback option. A special program called FFEL (Federal Family Education Loan Program) allows commercial institutions, such as credit union, banks and other lenders to grant debt consolidation loans for the purpose of consolidating educational debt. In addition, the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program allows for the federal government to grant student debt consolidation loans.

The majority of federal education loans can be included in these programs, whether or not they are loans that have been subsidized by the government. These include the FFEL Stafford loans, Health Education Assistance Loans, Federal Nursing Loans, Federal Perkins Loans and SLS. Note that private education loans are not eligible for the debt consolidation programs.

If you need to find out whether your loan is eligible for a student loan debt consolidation, you should contact the appropriate Direct Loan Origination Center, Loan Consolidation Department. For instance, if you have a FFEL loan, contact a participating FFEL lender if you are interested in consolidating a FFEL loan.

You can apply for an educational debt consolidation loan even while you are still in school, as well as once you have graduated, left school without graduating, or reduced your student hours to half time enrollment or below. If you have all of your student loans with one FFEL lender, you have to obtain your student consolidation loan from that same FFEL lender, except in the cases where the terms of an income sensitive loan are unacceptable. If you want to be considered for the William D. Ford "Direct Student Loan Debt Consolidation Loan", you have to already have a Stafford student loan (subsidized or unsubsidized) that will be included in the loan consolidation, or have at least one FFEL program Stafford loan to be included in it. Again, this can be subsidized or unsubsidized.

How do you go about choosing an unsecured debt consolidation program? The first step to take is to meet with a professional to advise you. He or she may be called a debt relief specialist, settlement specialist or client services representative. This person will answer your questions about the loan. The main thing about a debt consolidation loan is that it is intended to assist you, not make things better for your creditors. The company you are working with will handle the negotiations; they are all finance and debt professionals. This may not be the program for you, but it is worth looking at, and there are many unsecured debt consolidation programs that you can find out about, either by calling or by checking online.

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Are Student Loans Dischargeable when you fill for Bankruptcy?

You've probable heard that bankruptcy brings great relief to those who are deeply in debt and can no longer meet their financial responsibilities. It is also commonly said that when one goes bankruptcy debts are discharged. However, not all debts are dis-chargeable and in certain cases, bankruptcy actually stands far away from being a solution to debt problems.

Student debt and "undue hardship"

If you are buried deep in debt but your debt is mainly student debt you may want to reconsider bankruptcy since almost all student loans are non-dischargeable. The law is clear when it comes to student loan debt: Unless repayment causes the debtor undue hardship, courts wont allow discharge of student debt. The above is applicable to Chapter 7 Bankruptcy and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy too. So in order to be able to get discharged from student debt you'll need to meet the "undue hardship" requirement. This concept implies an excessive poorness caused by the debt that would affect the ability of the debtor of paying for basic needs. The main difficulty is to prove undue hardship.

A bit of history

Student Debt used to be more easily discharged in the past. However, due to abuse, Bankruptcy's legal requirements were modified and now it is extremely difficult to get discharged. The abuse consisted on filing for bankruptcy immediately after finishing college, thus getting discharged of their student debt prior to joining the workforce. When this practice became common, lenders complained and got the administration to modify the rules that controlled bankruptcy.

Discharging Nowadays

Currently, the exception of hardship includes government loans and nonprofit organization loans. So it has become even more difficult to get student debt discharged. Besides, not only has the debt to disrupt the debtor ability to maintain an adequate minimal standard of living but the debtor must have tried by every possible way to repay the debt.

Co-signer Responsibility

Even if the debtor meets all this requirements, any co-signer who subscribed the loan with the debtor wont be covered by the hardship exception and thus will be the sole responsible one for the debt repayment. This is one of the lenders main securities and explains why most of the Student loan lenders require a co-signer in order to grant a loan.

Final considerations

Filling for bankruptcy or not is a decision that has to be intensively meditated and must be substantiated in the need of a fresh new start when there is no other choice. If a bankruptcy wont discharge your student debt, and if your student loans are the main constituent of your debt, then it makes no sense to suffer all the bad consequences associated with a bankruptcy without being able to enjoy the benefits.

However, if your income is too low, your debt wont let you even breath and there is no other way of recovering from this situation, you may be able to convince a court that due to the excessive burden your debt has turned into, it should be discharged. That way, you'll be able to get a fresh start and become debt free.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Credit Card Debt Consolidation Loan can Help You Eliminate High Cost Debts

Frequent use of credit cards is cited as main culprit of debt accumulation problems people face world over. Taking this in account, now numerous companies are in the business of providing credit card debt consolidation loans so that all debts are merged under one lender and debt burden is reduced to the relief of the holder.

Debt consolidation is a simple method. The credit card holder takes a fresh loan of at least equal to the amount of debts and pays off debts immediately. Thus he saves himself from paying high interest rate and high penalties of the cards bill and saves lot of money, though debts remain the same as they are shifted under one new lender. Now instead of paying installments to different lenders, the credit card holder pays installments to only one lender thereby reducing outgo towards installments.

The main advantage of credit card debt consolidation loans is that it is always availed at lower interest rate as compared to very high interest rates charged on loans by the issuing companies. Thus the loan enables in saving lot of money of the card holder. The debt consolidation loan thus saves you from those high penalties the credit card company levies on late payments. If you use numbers of credit cards then the debt consolidation is especially useful to you.

You can choose secured or unsecured debt consolidation loans for paying off credit card debts. The secured loan is given against credit card holders property placed as collateral with the lender. You can borrow larger amount at lower interest rate for larger repayment duration under the secured option. This enables in convenient pay off of greater debts. The unsecured option is especially useful in case smaller debts are to be paid off. A little higher interest rate, smaller amount and shorter repayment duration are slight disadvantages associated with the unsecured loan. Bad credit will not come in way of secured credit card debt consolidation loan as the lender has already secured the loan. To counter bad credit in case of unsecured loan, the loan seeker should satisfy lender by showing adequate repayment capacity and a sound repayment plan.

Prefer applying online for credit debt consolidation. This is a convenient of availing the loan at low cost. Search various websites of online lenders and compare their interest rates and terms-conditions and apply to the lender having easier terms.

This type of loans are perfectly designed for clearing high interest rate of the debts as the loan is offered at lower interest rate and low cost. Before settling for the loan deal, take note of advantages and pitfalls of the loan. Make sure that you pay off monthly installments in time in order to avoid any debt trap.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Business Debt and Loan Consolidation: Help, Solutions, and Services

There are a lot of businesses that run into financial trouble and turn to financial advisors to help develop a business debt and loan consolidation plan. As with a personal debt consolidation plan, the key to having success with a business debt consolidation plan is to stay with it until you have your finances back on track. If you havent already done so, you need to ensure that you take some extra steps to give your business debt consolidation plan the best chance to succeed. Some of these steps may seem a bit much, but if you want to save your business from going bankrupt youll need to make some difficult decisions.

The first step in any business debt consolidation plan is to assess just hoe many of your outgoings are essential to the business. The most important part of any business debt consolidation plan is to realise that you are going to have to cut back severely on your expenses to get your books out of the red and back into the black. Take a careful look at your levels of staffing. You should have already discussed the financial situation with your staff and informed them that you are going to be forming a business debt consolidation plan. Obviously, the staff will then realise that there are going to have to be some cutbacks, or a reduction in pay to give the business debt consolidation plan any chance of success. You may find that some of your staff decides to leave of their own volition which will have a positive effect on your business debt consolidation plans.

Dont be tempted to try to replace every member of staff who decides to leave upon hearing of your business debt consolidation plan but give the remaining staff the option to take on more duties or longer working hours. If you explain the business debt consolidation plan to your most trusted staff members they may agree to work extra hours for less money, simply to help you focus on your business debt consolidation plan. This will not last forever, but it is a good place to start. You can always reward your staff once you have got your business debt consolidation plan underway. You may discover that you need to cut the hours of all of your paid staff to cope with the reduction in finances that you will have available whilst you are working on your business debt consolidation plan and this is where you are going to have to put in the extra effort yourself.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Deal With Business Debt-Commercial Debt Financing

Is your business house suffering from hard times? The risk is an inseparable part of any sort of business and even there is no surety that it will work. It is not merely a result of toil of a single individual; in fact, it is a blend of efforts of a lot of people. These days, business has become an art rather than a science. Even for starting up any sort of business, you need funds from some external source. And after all such arrangements if your business proves to be a failure, then who is responsible. Well, to cope with all kind of after affects, there are commercial debt financing. Here we will discuss how commercial debt financing works to improve your debt ridden situation.

A grim reality is that commercial debts are hard to repay. The cause for this is that the operations suffer impediment due to lack of finances. This gives rise to higher rate of interest and extended repayment period. If you apply for commercial debt financing, you can avail more than one benefits of it. Apart from urgent requirement for your business, commercial debt financing offers you a sound piece of advice and many other ways to consolidate your debts. Thus, it offers with long term solution of all your requirements.

Debt Consolidation and Loan Review Information site can help you research your options to face the commercial debt. It is basically limited and with its help you can settle your entire debt. Moreover, you will not have to be embarrassed. These are secured in nature and render all the benefits of such loans. The lender while issuing commercial debt financing may take in to account your current income level, state of your business, and the worth of collateral that you are going to offer.

You can make benefit from best deals by exploring online sources. It facilitates you with various lenders at one place. Make use of commercial debt financing and take your business at the right track.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Credit card debt consolidation best methods

Credit cards are the safest way to make payments, which carry no risk of theft or anything else. To avoid credit card debt you are advised to make payment before statement date. If you are already under the threat of credit card debt then you are recommended to take credit card debt consolidation loan to consolidate credit card debt.

Here are some best methods for credit card debt consolidation.

You can apply for credit card debt consolidation through Internet or by applying to your local creditors. Both secured and unsecured forms of Credit card debt consolidation are available in market to choose from, it will be better to take an unsecured loan because a miss payment may lead you lose your security.

For credit card debt consolidation you should take loan from a single creditor because it is easy to pay to a single creditor than to pay to multiple creditors.

With credit card debt consolidation you can get better rates as your new creditor will offer you easy terms with lower monthly installments and lower interest rates.

You can make your life simple with credit card debt consolidation by paying one bill per month, which will cut a lot of stress and bill paying time.

If you are unable to take credit card debt consolidation loan at your desired low interest rates then you can borrow needed money from your life insurance policy to eliminate credit card debt.

Of course, the best method to consolidate credit card debt is to minimize the use of credit card, which is in debt, and to transfer the balance to a lower or zero interest credit card.

Credit card debt help is usually available for both personal and business debt problems at most financial services.

Friday, May 04, 2007

Debt Consolidation Loan: A Solace For Your Bad Days

A fiscal situation wherein you are under a lot of debts from a lot of lenders can be quite an ordeal. Such a necessary and natural thing as taking loans can become a problematic situation. Instead of fulfilling your dreams and being happy with your plans, you may have to start worrying about how to dispose off your debts that you owe to several lenders. Multiple debts only compound your tension. Debt consolidation loans are customized packages meant for exactly such a scenario.

It is a usual situation that when you have taken loans from many lenders, you are under pressure to pay them off one by one under different terms and conditions and at different rates of interest. This is not an easy situation because of the sheer problem of managing these debts.

For such a scenario, there is a scheme called debt consolidation loan. Debt consolidation loans can help you out in several ways. These loans are meant to consolidate your multiple loans into one. This can also help you reduce your interest rate as chargeable on your loan.

Debt consolidation loan are of two types: secured and unsecured. Secured debt consolidation loans would require you to place a collateral. It thereby brings down your interest rate and at the same time, gives you good amount of cash into your account with easy repayment terms and conditions. In fact, many borrowers prefer to go for secured consolidation loans because it gives them the elbow space to bargain for better quotes to come out of the debt-ridden situation.

The unsecured variety available in debt consolidation helps you get a loan without the need of collateral. But then, the price to pay is: a higher rate of interest and not-so-flexible repayment options.

Debt consolidation loans is a viable option for anyone seeking to get over the tension of repaying many lenders with differing interest rates at different installment dates. What more, in the process, you can keep your credit report clean.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Free Debt Consolidation Loan Quotes

Are your monthly bills piling up so high that you need an oxygen canister to climb to the top? If youre anticipating being unable to make payments as they come due, take heart - theres a way out. In case you havent yet heard of debt consolidation, is a single loan that is used to pay off all or most of your existing creditors. Debt consolidation can help your financial position in these ways:

1. Payments on your debt consolidation loan total should be lower than your current payments.

2. The interest rate should be lower than what you pay now. But be sure to factor in any late fees youre now paying.

3. It gets your creditors off your back - for a while, anyway. Your debt consolidator will eventually come after you if you fail to repay your new loan.

The first step you need to take is to obtain a debt consolidation quote. These are available for free both on and off the Internet. There are many options - credit repair firms, specialized debt consolidation firms, banks, and credit unions among them.

Check out all the options and get free quotes from more than one. Dont simply accept the lowest bid - consider the following:

Investigate their reputation - Dont even consider a company with a web presence but no physical address, or one that has either not joined the BBB or has a bad BBB record. If you can find a company nearby, visit them in person. If not, then at least speak with a representative by telephone.

Find a company that will negotiate with your creditors - that way you end up with a lower loan principal.

Once you have checked all the institutions that have offered you quotes, choose the one you want to go with after evaluating them based on the above factors. And remember, however you got into your mountain of debt, stop doing whatever it is that got you in this mess in the first place!