Sunday, March 18, 2007

Are Free Debt Consolidation Services as Good as the Paid Ones?

It seems that in debt consolidation services both free and paid means the same but it is not that. People are frequently been trapped due to insufficient and imperfect information about the industry operations. However, before continuing the discussion, one should observe the core reasons that are convincing people to choose the free services rather than the paid ones. Taking high price toll from the customers can be first among the other reasons.

The primary cause of opting these services can be the higher debt levels and failure to pay, examples are there where it has been seen that many consolidation services are just cheats. Nevertheless, the good news is that there are still some truthful and trustworthy companies, on the basis of their goodwill the scammers propagate. Thus, without ruling out what is what, it's for all time better to have the free one, except it is a direct Government undertaking.

A person who is going to have a bankruptcy can go for the debt consolidation service as the last option. As per the bankruptcy reform bill, the debtors can participate in credit counseling plans or agendas. So the legal and the services that are free can help to re-establish the credit of the debtor.

If the debtor uses this type of consolidation services then it gives the liberty to make only a single monthly payment in place of numerous ones. The existing creditors are being paid by the debt consolidation services, they break the amount equally for monthly payments that will be neither immense nor difficult to pay for the debtor. It becomes so easier because the interest rates of the this consolidation services are much lower than the other lenders. Thus, both in free and paid consolidation services the customer has to pay more money for a long time. If you make lower payments for a longer period of time then it means you are paying more money.

You should keep in mind one thing that the debt consolidation services are not an easy story, those who offer free financial counseling for these services actually charge for changing the words into acts. The real legal debt consolidation services take low charges for this, if the charge raises much then you should look out for that. Moreover, if you have a contact with the Better Business Bureau it can offer you in-depth information about the company that you want to opt for.